Childcare facilities

As a family-friendly city, the well-being of our smallest residents is particularly close to our hearts. Here you can find information about all the childcare facilities in the city, so that you can get all the information you need about the childcare options. Please also note the fees listed below from 2020. 


Responsible body City Bad Neustadt a. d. Saale
Management Irmtrud Wirsing
Groups no groups - open kindergarten concept
Daycare places 50, including 10 places in the separate nursery area
age of care from 1 year until school enrolment
Opening hours Mo - Fr: 07:00 - 17:00 hrs
During these times the children can be brought and fetched flexibly.
Closing times We are closed between Christmas and New Year, two days at carnival and one week during the Whitsun holidays. During the summer holidays our kindergarten is closed for 2 weeks.
Contact Storchengasse 13
97616 Bad Neustadt a. d. Saale (city center)
Telephone: 09771/98101

 Our concept

"Children are independent learners - they are agents of their own development."

Together with the children in our educational facilities, we shape the educational everyday life according to the educational contents of the Bavarian Education and Training Plan. 
The children experience participation in the form of lived participation.
Each educational room is accompanied by an expert.
Our institution has participated in the federal program "Sprach-Kitas" from the very beginning.


Our offer of educational rooms:
1. workroom
2. room to move
3. room for manoeuvre with role play and construction
6. word workshop
7. Bistro
8. toddler area
9. playground / outdoor area / natural passages 
Additionally we visit the Triamare once a week

Eating in the kindergarten
We offer the children a daily self-prepared lunch as well as breakfast and afternoon buffet (contribution towards expenses 2.50 € per day). The children do not bring food from home.


In addition, the children have the opportunity to practice role play in the doll's corner. The construction areas invite the children to construct.

Responsible body Catholic Church Foundation Mariä Himmelfahrt
Management Theres Koob
Childcare places 45
Age of care 1st - 4th primary school class
Opening hours School time: 11:00 - 17:00 hrs
Holiday time: 07:30 - 17:00 hrs
Closing times - public holidays
- Christmas until Epiphany
- 2nd week of Pentecost holidays
- 2 planning days, the last 2 days of the summer holidays
Contact Pfarrer-Alois-Friedrich-Platz 2
97616 Bad Neustadt a. d. Saale
Phone: 09771/6312555

Our concept

After school the children arrive at the after-school care centre. This is the time when we receive the children in the after-school care centre: we listen to them, cheer them up, share joyful or sad events of the morning with them. The pupils of the 1st class are picked up from the school by one of our pedagogical staff until the autumn holidays and then go to the after-school care centre together. After the autumn holidays the children go to the after-school care in small groups. The children of the 2nd - 4th grade walk to the after-school care independently and start doing their homework after lunch so that they have a long afternoon to play. In the homework room, the respective specialists ensure the necessary peace and quiet and provide assistance where necessary. Those who have done everything can begin to organise their free time. The students can organise their free time on their own, let off steam in the courtyard or in the exercise room or take advantage of various offers prepared by the staff. In the time after homework, we attach great importance to the children being able to exercise in the fresh air or in the exercise room.


The after-school care centre accepts children who attend the Karl-Ludwig-von-Guttenberg primary school in Bad Neustadt.

Responsible body Catholic Church Foundation Brendlorenzen
Management Sonja Drechsler
Childcare places 60 of which 12 in the separate crèche
Groups no groups - we work according to the concept of the Open Kindergarten
Age of care from 1 year until school enrolment
Opening hours Mo - Fr: 7:00 am - 5:00 pm
During this period parents can choose the hours of care for their child according to their needs.
Contact Adolf-Johannes-Straße 6
97616 Bad Neustadt a. d. Saale - Brendlorenzen
Phone: 09771/ 5376

Our Concept:
We work according to the concept of the Open kindergarten.
Open kindergarten means: Being open to ever new challenges and changes.
Being open to every child with its strengths, weaknesses, wishes and needs. Being open to the opinions and needs of parents.
Being open to the processes of cooperation between all those involved (children, parents, staff and sponsors).
Our kindergarten should be a place where children feel comfortable and enjoy the variety of activities such as playing, researching, discovering and learning, which makes many encounters possible, where one can experience community and build successful relationships.

An essential element of our open work is the equipment and design of the various play and functional rooms and workshops. 

Our range of rooms includes:

  • Creative room and wood workshop, research room with children's laboratory and children's library
  • Children's café and kitchen, building and construction area, with changing material offers
  • Movement space
  • Crèche room with bedroom, kitchen, sanitary facilities and pram room 
  • Large natural outdoor area
Responsible body City Bad Neustadt a. d. Saale
Management Verena Büchs
Childcare places 80
Groups 1 crèche group (12 children), in the regular area work according to the concept of the open kindergarten with daily discussion groups (approx. 12 children) and accompanying teachers
Age of care from 1 year until school enrolment
Opening hours Mo - Fr: 07:00 - 17:00
Closing times We are closed during the Christmas holidays, two days on carnival, during the Pentecost holidays and two weeks in August.

Emergency services during the Pentecost or summer holidays are only possible with prior notification; check in December 2018 or upon admission.
Contact Fröbelstraße 2
97616 Bad Neustadt a. d. Saale - Brendlorenzen
Telephone: 09771/4554

A brief introduction to our facility 
We see ourselves as a "house for all children" in the sense of inclusion. Our pedagogy is based on the assumption: "It's normal to be different."
"Open" to us means first and foremost being open to ALL CHILDREN and their families. 
Our aim is to look at each child individually and to create the best possible conditions for the child together with the parents. 
We adapt our organization and structure to the changing needs of families. Our system is flexible and can therefore respond to diversity and special challenges. 
Our pedagogy is designed to make the diversity of children, families and employees "blossom".

„Open" means for us: 

  • Participation - age-appropriate co-determination, participation and self-determination
  • Competence - recognising, supporting and presenting the strengths and abilities of children
  • Inclusion - participation of all children, breaking down barriers

This results, among other things, in an opening of the rooms or work in specialist rooms:

  • Discovery zone: a space for exploration, building and puzzling
  •  Paint workshop: a space for the development of creativity and personal expression with many different materials and tools
  •  Library: a room with books and letters for joint viewing or for a quiet and concentrated atmosphere when reading aloud
  •  Gymnastics room: a room for guided gymnastics lessons or exercise and free play if the weather is too uncomfortable
  •  Room of wishes: a room that adapts to the children's needs - for role-playing, dressing up or project ideas
  •  Kitchen: here the children can practise cutting techniques, discover new foods and dishes and make their first recipes on their own
  •  Nursery room: a room for our youngest children, to arrive and feel safe and secure with age-appropriate suggestions and challenges 

KinderGARTEN is very important to us!

Our big advantage is our spacious outdoor area, with tall trees that provide us with plenty of shade in summer. In the hedges around the grounds there are numerous crawl paths, robber caves and secret hiding places. 
The wide slide, the big elephant seesaw or the double and nest swing invite you to play with each other, which is very important to us. Besides acknowledging the diversity and difference of the children, we are always looking for commonalities, community and interaction between the children. 
A climbing frame requires skill and balance. For the large, partly covered sandbox, the children find various toys and everyday materials for building, constructing and experimenting. The water playground is very popular with the children in summer. If the temperatures are not so warm, we enable the children - equipped with waterproof mud trousers and rubber boots - to experiment with puddles and mud. Thus our "garden" is used daily and is available at any time for the children who need exercise and free play. 
We are also happy to undertake excursions on foot, with the Nessi city bus line or on a bicycle to the nearby surroundings. For example, on sunny and warm days we like to refresh ourselves with a water feature at the nearby Brend. 
The kindergarten is located in the Brendlorenzen district - with short distances to the city centre of Bad Neustadt. We regularly explore the surroundings and visit the local police or help with the potato harvest on one of the fields in the Brender Flur. For example, a visit to the municipal library in connection with the establishment of our small kindergarten library was an important impulse for the children.


Verpflegung inklusive

Wir bereiten täglich mit den Kindern ein Frühstücksbuffet / einen Nachmittagssnack mit frischem Obst und Gemüse, verschiedenen Brotsorten oder selbstgebackenen Brötchen, Käse, Wurst, Müsli, Joghurt usw. vor. Die Kinder dürfen sich dann selbständig bedienen und auswählen, was und wann sie essen möchten.

Mittags gibt es ein warmes, kindgerechtes Essen. Die Kinder werden bei der Auswahl und Zubereitung miteinbezogen und helfen so z.B. Klöße zu rollen oder Gemüse zu schneiden. Wir bereiten stets eine Vorspeise (z.B. Gemüsesticks) und eine Hauptmahlzeit (z.B. Ofenkartoffeln mit Quark, Pfannkuchen mit Apfelmus) oder eine Hauptmahlzeit mit einer Nachspeise (z.B. Obstteller, selbstgemachter Himbeerjoghurt) zu. So findet jedes Leckermäulchen etwas, das ihm mundet.

Getränke (Wasser, Tee, Saftschorlen) stehen den Kindern den ganzen Tag über zur Verfügung.

Die Kosten für die Verpflegung belaufen sich auf 3,50 Euro pro Tag. Zzgl. 5,00 Euro Getränkegeld im Monat.


Campus? Können wir auch!

Besonders vorteilhaft ist der direkte Anschluss an die Grundschule Brendlorenzen, den Schülerhort, sowie einen weiteren städtischen Kindergarten. Darin sehen wir eine gute Voraussetzung für Kooperation und gemeinsame Veranstaltungen, v.a. in Bezug auf die Gestaltung des Übergangs vom Kindergarten in die Grundschule. Hierfür arbeiten wir im letzten Kindergartenjahr mit einem „Übergangsbuch“ und entsprechenden Aufgaben für zu Hause.


Zusammen sind wir stark!

Wir sehen uns als Teil der Gemeinde und suchen daher auch aktiv den Kontakt zu den örtlichen Vereinen bzw. beteiligen uns gerne an Feierlichkeiten oder sonstigen Veranstaltungen. Als ehemals unter katholischer Trägerschaft stehende Einrichtung halten wir auch Kontakt mit der Pfarrgemeinde und beteiligen uns z.B. am Pfarrfest oder St. Martins Umzug.

Wir arbeiten mit der zuständigen Frühförderstelle in Bad Neustadt (u.a. Therapeuten bzw. Einrichtungen) zusammen. Gegenseitige Besuche und Absprachen (mit Einverständnis der Eltern), bzw. gemeinsame Elterngespräche sollen zu einer bestmöglichen Unterstützung des Kindes führen. Die Möglichkeit, Fördereinheiten der TherapeutInnen vor Ort im Kindergarten umzusetzen wird von den Eltern gerne genutzt.

Den Deutsch-Vorkurs führen wir in Abstimmung mit der Grundschule Brendlorenzen durch. Dort bekommen Kinder mit Bedarf in den 1 ½ Jahren vor der Einschulung zielgerichtete Unterstützung bei Erwerb und Anwendung der deutschen Sprache.  

Seit Januar 2016 nehmen wir am Bundesprogramm „Sprach-Kita: Weil Sprache der Schlüssel zur Welt ist“ teil. Die Schwerpunkte des Projekts sind sprachliche Bildung, Zusammenarbeit mit Familien und Inklusion. Unterstützt werden wir dabei von einer zusätzlichen Fachkraft (+19,5 Stunden) und einer regionalen Fachberatung.


Neugierig geworden?

Wir laden Sie herzlich ein, mit uns einen Termin zu vereinbaren, um sich einen Eindruck vor Ort zu machen!

Responsible body City Bad Neustadt a. d. Saale
Management Patricia Aßmann
Groups no groups, open kindergarten, fixed toddler group (from 1 year)
Childcare places 75
Age of care from 1 year until school enrolment
Opening hours Mo - Fr: 07:00 - 17:00
During this period the children can be brought and picked up flexibly.
Closing times approx. 17 closing days per year, which are communicated to the parents at the beginning of the kindergarten year. In summer open all day.
Contact Valentin-Rathgeber-Straße 1 - 3
97616 Bad Neustadt a. d. Saale - Brendlorenzen
Phone: 09771/994322
Fax: 09771/994322

Our pedagogy

Our pedagogical actions are derived from our image of the child, i.e. we respect and value the child as an independent personality and accept it with its strengths and weaknesses. We grant the child an individual pace of development and pick it up where it stands, because every child is unique.
It is important to us that each child has a say in decision making, becomes independent, takes care of himself/herself, makes mistakes and learns, grows and grows up and acquires skills.

Our educational rooms                                               

The nature and aesthetics, the size, accessibility and variety of our bright rooms and the spacious outdoor area reflect our educational work and invite the children to play and research. The design and equipment of the educational rooms, as well as the extensive range of materials, have a great influence on children's developmental processes. 

Food in the kindergarten

We offer the children a daily breakfast buffet, a fresh and self-prepared lunch and an afternoon snack (contribution towards expenses: 2.50 € per day).

Projects and offers

The children meet in age-homogeneous groups once a day for dialogue, planning and implementation of activities.
There are various activities such as hiking, cycling, swimming in the Triamare or Brend, sledging, visits to libraries, theatres and museums, and much more. 
We plan our projects together with the children and take into account their interests and needs, e.g. fire brigade project, animal project, water project and much more.

Responsible body City Bad Neustadt a. d. Saale
Management Susanne Hack
Childcare places 75
Age of care 1st - 4th primary school class
Opening hours School time:
Mo - Fr: 11:00 - 17:00 hrs

Holiday time:
Mo - Fr: 07:30 - 17:00 hrs
Closing times - public holidays
Christmas holiday
- Rose Monday - Shrove Tuesday
- 2nd week of Whitsun holiday
- last day of the summer vacations (planning day)
Contact Valentin-Rathgeber-Straße 1 - 3
97616 Bad Neustadt a. d. Saale - Brendlorenzen
Phone: 09771/6307925
Responsible body Catholic Church Foundation St. Konrad
Management Astrid Metz
Childcare places 120
Age of care from 0 years up to the 4th grade
Opening hours Mo - Fr: 07:00 - 17:00 hrs
flexible delivery and collection times
Closing times Average 15 days per year. These will be announced at the beginning of the new childcare year in consultation with the parents' council.
Contact St.-Konrad-Platz 1
97616 Bad Neustadt a. d. Saale - Gartenstadt
Phone: 09771/5125
Fax: 09771/689009

Guiding Principles 
Children are independent beings with their own abilities and interests, as well as different talents and abilities.
We see ourselves as partners of the child and offer age-appropriate assistance in every area. The child should be encouraged and enabled to master new tasks in a self-confident and motivated manner and to learn necessary skills in a motivated manner.

Human dignity is God-given

The work of our institution is based on the basic statements of the Christian conception of man. 
Every person is "image and likeness of God". Created by him, he has his origin in God and thus becomes unmistakable and unique. This life given to man by God is at the same time his task: Everyone can and should form and shape his life. God keeps him in it and at the same time sets him free. 
Hence man cannot be adequately understood without the inclusion of the dimension of transcendence, of religion, which is fundamentally accessible to him and at the same time challenges him. Whoever conceals or even intentionally hides what is religious creates a deficit, a kind of existential vacuum, with which it is not possible to live meaningfully and happily in the long run. 
The Catholic kindergarten is a family-supplementary institution that works in a supportive, advisory, and holistic manner for the good of the child. 
Our task is to maintain, stimulate, support and promote natural joy of learning in relation to life.

To be God's image, to have the beginning and the goal of this life in God, also means that people can relate to each other and become open to the life that is God himself. To be open means to have the senses open to this world, since all human understanding and all human insight begins with sensory perception, i.e. the how of world perception determines the how of the thought structure and how the ability to experience and experience can develop.

The child is the focus of our work. We pick it up from where it is standing. 
The offers of our institution are therefore not value-free. They are based on the principles of Catholic social teaching - personality, subsidiarity and solidarity - as they are described in the mission statement of the German Caritas Association and in the so-called "red profile paper".
On the self-image of day care facilities for children in Catholic sponsorship" by the KTK Federal Association Freiburg.


- Felix - Award by the German Sängerbund for exemplary singing and making music with children
- SISMIK - PERIK - SELDAK: Observation in kindergarten (team training)
- Dialogue Education - Implementation of the principles of the education and training plan (team training of the State Institute for Early Education and the Bavarian State Government)
- Predicate Trendsetting - Award of the Diocese of Würzburg

Responsible body Catholic Church Foundation Mariä Himmelfahrt
Management Christina Wolf
Childcare places 77
Groups 1 toddler group (from 1 year)
3 kindergarten groups
Age of care from 1 year until school enrolment
Opening hours Mo - Do: 07:00 - 17:00 hrs; Fr: 07:00 - 16:00 hrs
Parents determine the desired care time for their child before the beginning of a kindergarten year.
Closing times There are about 20 closing days per year. Parents are informed of these in writing at the beginning of a kindergarten year.
Contact Hedwig-Fichtel-Str. 37
97616 Bad Neustadt a. d. Saale
Phone: 09771/3127
Fax: 09771/631965

Principles and objectives

Playing together, learning, living, believing, laughing

Our kindergarten is a place of life for children and parents, where they should feel accepted and comfortable with their different life situations. Our work is shaped by the Christian image of God and man and the church's sponsorship.
Our kindergarten also supports and relieves parents by providing professional advice on educational issues.
Our spacious outdoor playground and the renovated rooms with age-appropriate equipment offer the best development opportunities in the toddler and kindergarten groups. 
Our qualified staff is constantly undergoing further training and performs committed educational work. In cooperation with parents, age-specific concepts have been developed, from toddlers to school enrolment. These concepts are currently based on the needs of the local families, which are surveyed annually in writing. 

Educational work is relationship work
Reliable and trustworthy caregivers are of great importance for the development in childhood and adolescence, which is why the children are assigned to a home group with us. They experience a structured daily routine and receive an age-specific, comprehensive range of services through loving care.
Our function rooms are open, especially in the afternoon, for cross-group activities in the areas of motor skills, language, music, creativity, science and housekeeping.
Each child is unique and actively contributes to the daily routine of the kindergarten. We observe and recognise their strengths and counteract developmental delays. We promote the basic skills of the child, cooperate with specialist services and the primary school to ensure that the transition to school is successful.
Our pedagogical concept is based on the BEP (Bavarian Education and Training Plan), includes all areas of education and is based on the observation of the developmental stage and the needs of the children.
Educational processes take place during the entire kindergarten day. They are not limited to didactic offers of the educator or specific activities.
Close cooperation and an intensive exchange with parents are among our central tasks. We focus on the reality of the children's lives, relieving and supporting families. Regular contact and an open exchange about the personal situation are necessary in order to understand the child and act accordingly. The parental interview about the child's developmental stage on the basis of a written observation is standard.

This makes us special:
- We participate in the federal program 
     "Language charity: Because language is the key to the world" 
- Promote and accompany language development and is a central task for us to successfully integrate
- We go to the forest with the children from 4 years on for 14 days
- Singing and making music together is fun every day
- Our kindergarten has been awarded several times with the Felixplakette for exemplary musical work by the German Sängerbund.
- 14 - every day all children sing together with deanery cantor Matthias Braun
- We go to the parish bookshop for 14 days with the children from the age of 4
- Reading mentors open up the world of books to the children, through weekly visits to the kindergarten
- On Tuesday afternoon parents with small children are invited to play and get to know each other in the toddlers' group.
- We have a concept that is constantly being developed and lived out.
- Our qualified personnel has acquired additional qualifications, especially in the field of Montessori pedagogy
- We have developed a QM system for our facility, which is regularly checked and optimized.

We cook a warm lunch every day. This can be ordered by the day. The costs for this are charged extra. 

Responsible body Protestant Church Parish Bad Neustadt
Management Giulia Castro Diaz
Childcare places 80
Groups 4
Age of care from 1 year until school enrolment
Opening hours Mo - Thu: 07:00 - 16:30 hrs
Fr: 07:00 - 15:30 hrs

Surveys are conducted regularly during opening hours.
Closing hours We have 25-30 closing days per year. Parents are informed of these in writing at the beginning of the new childcare year.
Contact Hedwig-Fichtel-Str. 1
97616 Bad Neustadt a. d. Saale
Phone: 09771/ 6369640
Fax: 09771/994544
Homepage: or

Our concept 
"We pick up your child where he or she is in his or her development and accompany him or her on the road ahead."
Educational work
Christian upbringing - The principles of faith of the Protestant Church are brought closer through religious units suitable for children. We celebrate festivals in the annual circle. In our KiTa all families are welcome regardless of their faith or origin.

Your child awaits you at our centre:
- Security
- Full board from our fresh kitchen
- Children's Bistro
- Herb garden
- Children's studio
- Theatre Group
- Outdoor watercourse
- Play with natural material
- Space to romp & play, experiment, learn & grow

That's how we work:
- Permanent caregivers
- Cooperation with other institutions
- Working in small groups
- Individual support
- Regular meetings and evenings with parents
- Inclusion 
Offer of the day care centre
Here you can open our flyer


Pictures: Hr. Gerhard Hagen (Gerhard Hagen Fotografie)​, Druckerei Lang Bad Neustadt

Responsible body City Bad Neustadt a. d. Saale
Management Norbert Müller
Groups Model of the Open Kindergarten
Childcare places 100
Age of care from 1 year to the 2nd grade
Opening hours Mo - Fr: 07:00 - 17:00 o'clock
During this period the children can be brought and fetched flexibly.
Closing times We only have 15 closing days per year.
Contact Brunnenweg 8
97616 Bad Neustadt a. d. Saale - Mühlbach
Phone: 09771/98550

Our pedagogy - short and sweet 

- We practice a pedagogy of understanding instead of a pedagogy of wanting to change. Child participation is the basis of our daily work.
- We see children as self-active, competent researchers and thinkers and therefore create conditions for children to develop and unfold.
- We assume that education takes place individually. We set up our rooms as workshops so that children have many opportunities to deal with different materials and challenges in a self-active way.
- The educator consciously shapes the environment with incentives for the very young, but also in such a way that school children can still discover new things.
- For social learning, the children need to play in areas in which they can meet each other and try out different behaviour patterns.
- Education and upbringing take place all day long due to our open concept and individual care. Therefore, we can offer you flexible delivery and pick-up times as well as comprehensive all-day care.
- We make use of our large space and a wonderful location in nature on the outskirts of the city, as well as the short distances to the city. This creates a variety of movement, adventures and contacts with the public for the children.
- We see parents as educational partners and attach great importance to the fact that they feel accepted and heard by us. In a variety of ways we make the processes and actions transparent to the parents.


Responsible body Kindergarten Association St. Nikolaus
Management Regina Rothaug
Childcare places 100
Groups nursery for 25 children
2 kindergarten groups & 1 pre-school group with 75 places
Age of care from 0 years until school enrolment
Opening hours Mo - Fr: 07:00 - 17:00 (20-23 closing days depending on public holidays
Contact Kirchstraße 9
97616 Bad Neustadt a. d. Saale - Herschfeld
Phone: 09771/ 8770
Site plan

 Guiding principle
... playing and learning with all senses
        ... play together - learn from each other
In our kindergarten we want to offer the children a place where they feel comfortable and secure. Where they can have fun in the community, try themselves out and gain new experiences. A place where they can gather basic experiences for their future life.

Key aspects
In our institution the pedagogical focus is on language, music and movement:
- playing together
- talk and sing together
- deal with each other
- move together
The children are looked after in regular groups in our facility

Responsible body City Bad Neustadt a. d. Saale
Management Lisa Möller
Childcare places 75
Age of care 1st - 4th primary school class
Opening hours School time
Mo - Fr: 11:00 - 17:00 o'clock

Holiday time
Mo - Fr: 08:00 - 17:00 o'clock
Closing times statutory holidays
Christmas holidays
four planning days in September, before school starts
Contact Kirchstraße 16
97616 Bad Neustadt a. d. Saale - Herschfeld
Phone: 09771/9178616

Who are we?
Our after-school care centre is a pedagogical institution that supports and complements family education in terms of educational and developmental tasks.

Who are we there for?
Our offer is mainly aimed at children attending the primary school in Herschfeld.
Our guiding principles... what is important to us in our work together?
Every person is special, valuable and unique.
We are mindful.
We love what we do.
We deal with each other honestly.
Our trust in ourselves is a basis for our actions.
Our clear structures provide orientation and security.

Importance of our concept
We work according to the open concept, in which the children can develop and unfold freely.
Incentives in the individual rooms can be implemented, changed and further developed by the children.

Our workshops                            

  • Role play room   
  • Kitchen                      
  • Playground                                                 
  • Island of rest                          
  • Workroom                        
  • Gymnasium
  • Sewing room  
  • Building land          
  • Creative workshop        
  • Private homework rooms

Our goals
Every child should be able to develop into a self-reliant and community-oriented personality in our day care centre.

The following areas of development are particularly important to us:
Experiencing appreciation and joy in dealing with each other - Strengthening social behaviour and community
Personality development and finding identity - Strengthening of self-confidence
Independent action - Especially in the practical area of life
training and promotion of interests and skills - Learning about leisure activities
Co-determination in day care
Communication and reflection on one's own actions - Learning conflict resolution strategies
Joy of movement, creativity and imagination
Development in the school sector - Working out learning strategies, independence, motivation

What makes us?
In a family-like atmosphere, the children experience protection, security and recognition; each child is perceived in its uniqueness and its abilities are taken up and developed.
In the weekly school meetings, the children express their wishes, needs and concerns and thus actively participate in the day care centre's daily routine.
During a fixed homework period, the children complete school tasks in a quiet atmosphere with the help of their reference teachers. There is no homework supervision on Fridays.
It is important for us to maintain a trusting contact with the parents. We value openness, honesty and an appreciative way of dealing with each other. An after-school care booklet serves as a constant exchange between the teachers and parents.
Drinks are available in the day care centre for a contribution towards expenses, warm lunch can be ordered if required.

In a building with the primary school Herschfeld. ...Access to the main entrance via Burgstraße. ... ... Designated parking spaces in front of the building.
If you have become curious, please contact us at the address given.      

We would be pleased to welcome you and your child in our institution!      --- Our concept with all information about the day care centre can be viewed here. ---


Responsible Body Elisabethenverein Lebenhan e. V.
Management Vanessa Menninger
Childcare places 35 (crèche group 10 places; standard area 25 places)
Groups 2
Age of childcare from 6 months until school enrolment
Opening hours Mo - Thu: 07:00 - 16:00 hrs
Fr: 07:00 - 15:00 hrs
Closing times - Christmas to New Year; Rose Monday; Week in the Whitsun holidays; Two weeks in August
On Shrove Tuesday and the last Friday in June the kindergarten is closed from 12 o'clock -> Planning afternoon  
Contact Brender Weg 6
97616 Bad Neustadt a. d. Saale - Lebenhan
Phone: 09771/2317

Our concept
- Homely atmosphere
- Direct connection to the village community
- The localities (all around meadows, forest, animals, many possibilities in nature)
- Project work
- Forest Days
- Focus of the day nursery group: Work according to Maria Montessori
- Focus on control range: KIax approach
- The following structures are part of our work:

  • Competence-oriented work
  •  Regular (annual) development meetings with parents
  •  Developmental observation according to Perik, Seldak, Sismik, Beller...
  •  Portfolio work in the sense of a "learning folder
  •  Familiarisation concept based on the "Berlin Model
  •  Cooperation with the primary school in Brendlorenzen

Food in the kindergarten
Every day we have breakfast together in our bistro. Food is brought by the parents in weekly rotation.
Monday to Thursday we get our food from our supplier Apetito. Every Friday we cook in the facility ourselves.


Träger Stadt Bad Neustadt a. d. Saale
Leitung Olga Schell
Betreuungsplätze 100
Betreuungsalter 1. - 4. Grundschulklasse
Öffnungszeiten Schulzeit:
Mo - Fr: 11:00 - 17:00 Uhr

Mo - Fr: 08:00 - 17:00 Uhr
Kontakt Rhönblick 15
97616 Bad Neustadt a. d. Saale
Telefon: 09771/63080280
Träger Stadt Bad Neustadt a. d. Saale 
Leitung Niklas Müller 
Betreuungsplätze 135 (35 Hortplätze, 76 Regelplätze, 24 Krippenplätze) 
Betreuungsalter ab 1 Jahr bis zur 4. Klasse 
Öffnungzeiten 07:00 Uhr bis 17:00 Uhr 
Kontakt Sportstraße 2, 97616 Bad Neustadt a. d. Saale
Tel.: 09771/636190

From 01.09.2020 the following fees apply:


monthly parental contribution for daily childcare

Children from Bad Neustadt

from the age of 3 years

Under the age of 3 Jahren

Up to 4 hours

100,00 €

140,00 €

over 4 to 5 hours

110,00 €

150,00 €

over 5 to 6 hours

120,00 €

160,00 €

over 6 to 7 hours

130,00 €

170,00 €

over 7 to 8 hours

140,00 €

180,00 €

over 8 to 9 hours

150,00 €

190,00 €

over 9 to 10 hours

160,00 €

200,00 €

Over 10 hours

170,00 €

210,00 €



Guest children pay a supplement of 10 € per month.


The food for the children is additionally charged according to actual expenditure.

The fees are charged over a period of 12 months.


Contribution subsidy:

For children from the age of 3, the Free State of Bavaria grants a subsidy of 100 € per month. It will apply from 1 September of the calendar year in which the child turns three and will be paid until the child starts school.


Childcare allowance:

A subsidy of up to €100 per month is granted for children from the age of 1. The condition is that the income limit (gross annual income) of the families of € 60,000 is not exceeded. In the case of families with several children, a supplement of € 5,000 per additional child will be credited. The allowance is paid out to the parents upon application to the Zentrum Bayern Familie und Soziales.


Click here for a flyer with an overview of all facilities for children and young people as a PDF file.

 Übersicht über alle Einrichtungen für Kinder und Jugendliche


Stadt Bad Neustadt a. d. Saale
Rathausgasse 2
97616 Bad Neustadt a. d. Saale

Telefon: 09771/9106-0
Telefax: 09771/9106-109

E-Mail: info(at)