Stadt Bad Neustadt a. d. Saale
Rathausgasse 2
97616 Bad Neustadt a. d. Saale
Telefon: 09771/9106-0
Telefax: 09771/9106-109
E-Mail: info(at)
Bad Neustadt a. d. Saale is located in the nothermost tip of Bavaria in the Lower Franconian district of Rhön-Grabfeld. The heart-shaped town centre of Bad Neustadt is surrounded by the villages Brendlorenzen, Herschfeld, Dürrnhof, Löhrieth, Mühlbach/Bad Neuhaus, Lebenhan/Schweinhof and the Gartenstadt.
The Gartenstadt is the youngest district of the municipality. The beginnings go back to the years 1938/39. At that time the flourishing factories Siemens and Preh created an increased demand for housing. Simultaneously, the planning of the area fitted in with the settlement policy of the Third Reich.
For this reason the Gartenstadt bore the name of the district leader until 1945.
Today the Gartenstadt is a lively district. There is an active community life around the church of St. Konrad as well as the Sportfreunde Bad Neustadt-Gartenstadt, the choral society Eintracht Frohsinn or the carnivals club. The cohesion of the people ensures that the district is a popular family-friendly residential area "in the green". Small shops and stores ensure short distances for shopping.
Bad Neustadt's largest district Brendlorenzen - incorporated in 1978 - is conveniently located northwest of the old town on the B 279, where the most remarkable building in Bad Neustadt rises between the new development area, school and commercial district and the old town centre: the parish church of St. John the Baptist in Brend. Together with the round church on the Marienberg Fortress, it is the oldest church in the diocese of Würzburg. It was from here that the wide surroundings were christianised in an original parish. At the end of Lorenzen, the second settlement core of the district, the small fortified church St. Laurentius watches over the town. The "pottery settlement of Brendlorenzen", excavated in 2001, is of supra-regional importance with finds from the time between 200 - 50 BC.
Number of inhabitants: 4.277
The history of Dürrnhof is closely linked to that of the city castle "Salzburg". The "Hof am Dornberg" was once an outlying estate and farm for the castle owners. In 1760 lord of the manor "Egid von Borié zu Neuhaus und Dürrnhof" built the small baroque church St. Ägidius. Dürrnhof became a district of Bad Neustadt right at the beginning of the territorial reform in 1971 by incorporating it into the town. Many peoples and hikers enjoy the wonderful distant view of the Rhön mountains on their way over the heights of Dürrnhof.
Number of inhabitants: 272
Herschfeld lies on the left bank of the Saale below the city castle "Salzburg" at the intersection of old connections between Thuringia and Franconia and Bamberg-Fulda. It is disputed whether Herschfeld - incorporated into Bad Neustadt in 1972 - is identical with the "Hiruzfeld" mentioned in 772 or only appears in documents as "Herbesvelt" in 1156. The "Salzburg", accessible via the district, is a castle of European significance and a gem of high medieval secular architecture from the 13th century. Its gate tower with its sophisticatedly worked serrated and roller frieze is one of the most beautiful castle portals in Germany. Construction of the unusually large complex, which is privately owned and still inhabited, began around 1160. By 1250 its extension to a multi-family castle, a so-called Ganerbenburg, was largely completed.
Number of inhabitants: 2.770
Lebenhan, which was already established in the salt forest during the time of the Carolingians, first became a district of Brendlorenzen in 1972 and then, with its incorporation in 1978, a district of Bad Neustadt. The history of the village, which is still largely agricultural, was shaped by aristocratic lordship. Its centre is the simple, well-proportioned baroque castle from 1750, which is today used by the clergy. In Lebenhan there is a voluntary fire brigade and numerous other associations, among them DJK and Kolpingwerk. The Reitclub Rhön had its stables and an indoor riding hall here since 2001.
Number of inhabitants: 461
A little away from the city centre, picturesquely embedded in a dry side valley of the Saale, above Mühlbach lies the district of Löhrieth, which was incorporated in 1972. It was first documented in 1158: Löhrieth was part of the furnishings of the nearby Cistercian monastery Maria Bildhausen. The baking house in the centre of the village is still regularly used by the population today. The newly renovated house of the clubs is also a popular meeting place for all activities.
Number of inhabitants: 285
Opposite Bad Neustadt on the left bank of the Saale, separated from the "Salzburg" by the hill "Luitpoldhöhe", lies Mühlbach, which was incorporated in 1972. The town was first mentioned in 1283, and the former castle, which was converted into a monastery and church in 1925, is a striking building. The village first mentioned in 1955 had only 26 houses. In the meantime it has grown up the steep Grasberg to the top, where the Aero-Club Bad Neustadt has its airfield today.
In 1451 Simon von Thüngen, owner of the Salzburg estate, had a "newe Haws" built on the site of the present Neuhaus. In 1767 this was demolished and replaced in the following years by a three-winged castle - today's castle hotel - and the castle chapel. In 1853, Elisabeth Countess von Haxthausen had the high-quality medicinal springs captured and the first bathhouse built. In 1934 Bad Neuhaus was incorporated by Neustadt. Neustadt assumed the title of "Bad". The historic buildings and facilities in the valley of the Saale at the foot of the Rhönklinikum buildings with their modern foyers on the "Salzburger Leite" symbolizes the rapid development from the private bath Neuhaus with classic drinking and bathing cure to today's Bad Neustadt as the headquarter of an above-average successful health care group.
Population of Mühlbach and Neuhaus: 918
1451 ließ Simon von Thüngen, Ansitzer auf der Salzburg, an der Stelle des heutigen Neuhaus ein "newe Haws" errichten. 1767 wurde dieses niedergerissen und in den folgenden Jahren durch ein dreiflügeliges Schloss – das heutige Schlosshotel – und die Schlosskapelle ersetzt. 1853 ließ Elisabeth Gräfin von Haxthausen die hochwertigen Heilquellen fassen und das erste Badehaus bauen. 1934 wurde Bad Neuhaus von Neustadt eingemeindet. Das Prädikat "Bad" übernahm Neustadt. Die historischen Gebäude und Anlagen im Tal der Saale zu Füßen der Hochbauten des Rhönklinikums mit ihren modernen Wandelhallen an der Salzburger Leite symbolisieren die stürmische Entwicklung vom Privatbad Neuhaus mit klassischer Trink- und Badekur zum heutigen Bad Neustadt als Hauptsitz eines überdurchschnittlich erfolgreichen Gesundheitskonzerns. Einwohnerzahl von Mühlbach und Neuhaus: 918
Stadt Bad Neustadt a. d. Saale
Rathausgasse 2
97616 Bad Neustadt a. d. Saale
Telefon: 09771/9106-0
Telefax: 09771/9106-109
E-Mail: info(at)