January 04.01.2020
February 22.02.2020
March 14.03.2020
April 11.04.2020
May 02.05.2020
June 13.06.2020
July 18.07.2020
August 08/22, 2020
September 19.09.2020
October 24.10.2020
November 14.11.2020
December 19 / 24 / 31.12.2020
January 02.01.2021
February 13.02.2021
March 13.03.2021
April 03.04.2021
May 22.05.2021
June 05.06.2021
July 10.07.2021
August 14.08.2021
September 04.09.2021
October 16.10.2021
November 13.11.2021
December 18-24 / 31.12.2021

Registry office

Tasks of the registry office / area of responsibility of our registry office


  1. Request for documents
  2. Births in our registry office district
  •  Birth at RHÖN-KLINIKUM Campus
  • Home birth
  1. Marriages in our registry office district
  2. Wedding locations
  3. Dates for weddings
  4. Costs
  5. Registration of the marriage
  6. Deaths in our registry office district
  7. Leaving the church
  8. Contact details and availability


1. area of responsibility of our registry office

The following municipalities/associations of municipalities belong to our registry office district:

  • Bad Neustadt a.d. Saale
  • Burglauer (VG NES)
  • Hohenroth (VG NES)
  • Niederlauer (VG NES)
  • Rödelmaier (VG NES)
  • Salz (VG NES)
  • Schönau a.d.Brend (VG NES)
  • Strahlungen (VG NES)
  • Heustreu (VG Heustreu)
  • Hollstadt (VG Heustreu)
  • Unsleben (VG Heustreu)
  • Wollbach (VG Heustreu)
  • Bischofsheim i.d. Rhön
  • Oberelsbach
  • Sandberg

To top


2. request for documents 

You can obtain civil status certificates from the registry office in Bad Neustadt a.d.Saale if the place of the event (place of birth, death, marriage) is within our area of responsibility (see above).
We can issue the following documents:

birth certificate 12,- €
marriage certificate 12,- €
Civil partnership certificate 12,- €
Death certificate 12,- €
Certified copy from the birth register 12,- €
Certified copy from the marriage register 12,- €
Certified copy from the civil partnership register 12,- €
Certified copy from the register of deaths 12,- €
International birth certificate 12,- €
International marriage certificate 12,- €
International civil partnership certificate 12,- €
International death certificate 12,- €
Certificates, e.g. about name changes 12,- €
Information from the register, e.g. about the time of birth 12,- €
Information from the collective files 15,- €
Increased search effort due to missing / inaccurate information per hour 50,- €

This is how your document order can expire: 

Request for the document(s) by telephone at the telephone numbers listed below
by e-mail to standesamt@bad-neustadt.de or by personal visit in the registry office...
 in each case, stating all the necessary data (name, address, type of certificate required and dates of birth, marriage and death)2. payment of the feeby bank transfer to the following account:

Municipality of Bad Neustadt a.d.Saale
Sparkasse Bad Neustadt a.d.Saale  
IBAN: EN 23 793 530 90 000 000 6874  
Reason for payment: "Certificate [your name]"

in bar3 when collecting from the registry office. Dispatch to your registration address after receipt of the fees or collection of the certificate(s) by you personally

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3. Births in our registry office district

a) Birth at RHÖN-KLINIKUM Campus

Your child was born at RHÖN-KLINIKUM Campus?

The following steps are necessary to obtain a birth certificate:
1. Filling out and signing the birth announcement; other required documents

The clinic will use your details to prepare a birth announcement with all the necessary data, which will be delivered to the registry office by messenger together with your other documents.
This birth announcement is an important document, as you use it to determine the future naming of your child. Changes after the registration of the birth at the registry office are generally no longer possible!
If you have any questions regarding the naming of your child (both first name and surname), please contact us at the telephone numbers given below or by e-mail.

We need the following documents for the birth registration in the original:

The child's mother is single: Mother's birth certificate
The father of the child should be entered on the birth certificate: copy of the acknowledgement of paternity (with the note "for the registry office of births")
  possibly a copy of the declaration of custody (if this has already been submitted to the Jugendamt)
  Father's birth certificate
The child's mother is divorced or widowed: Mother's birth certificate
  Marriage certificate with dissolution note or marriage certificate and legally binding divorce decree or marriage certificate and death certificate of the husband
The father of the child should be entered on the birth certificate copy of the acknowledgement of paternity (with the note "for the registry office of births")
  possibly a copy of the declaration of custody (if this has already been submitted to the Jugendamt)
  Father's birth certificate
The parents are married to each other: Parents' marriage certificate

To be noted:


  • If the registry office of Bad Neustadt a.d.Saale would be responsible for issuing the above mentioned certificate, it is not necessary to present this certificate, as the registry office itself can inspect the registers.
  • If you get married or divorced abroad or have any other foreign contact, please contact the registry office in advance by telephone!
  • Further documents may be necessary in individual cases; however, we can only inform you of this after receiving the birth announcement.


2. Notarisation of the birth and issue of birth certificates at the registry office

As soon as the birth announcement with all necessary documents has been received at the registry office, the processing can begin. 
If any documents or information are still missing, the registry office will usually contact you by telephone.
Unless otherwise specified on your part, the following documents will be issued: 

Birth certificate for your documents subject to a fee of 12,- €
Birth certificate to apply for parental allowance free of charge
Birth certificate to apply for child benefit Free of charge
Birth certificate for pregnancy and  
Maternity assistance (health insurance) free of charge

In addition, other fee-paying birth certificates, including multilingual ones, can be issued on request. 




3. Pick up the birth certificate at the registry office

If no documents are missing, the birth certificate of your child is ready for collection approximately 1 week to 10 days after the birth.
Please first contact the registry office by telephone to find out whether the birth certificate is available.
The certificate can be picked up by one parent at the registry office.
Please bring a valid identity card or passport of the person collecting the birth certificate; the fee will be paid in cash.


b) Home birth

A home birth within our registry office district must be reported personally to the registry office within one week (usually by a parent).

You must bring your own:

  • Identity card/passport of the person reporting the birth
  • Birth certificate of the midwife
  • as well as the required birth certificate documents from the table above.

To top


4. Marriages in our registry office district

a) Places of marriage

Marriages can only take place in places that are specially designated by the relevant local council for the purpose of holding weddings. 
The following wedding locations are available in our registry office district:


Wedding room in the town hall

  • max. 20 guests
  • Possibility to visit during the general opening hours of the registry office


b) Dates for weddings

In Bad Neustadt a.d.Saale:

  • during the general opening hours of the registry office Saturday from 8:00 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. for an additional fee (see under c) Costs)
  • Date agreement with the registry office at the earliest one year before the planned date
  • In the communities belonging to our registry office district, by the mayor of the respective community in the rooms dedicated to them by individual appointment directly with the respective mayor 

Bischofsheim i.d.Rhön:

  • during the general opening hours of the registry office Saturday from 8:00 am to 12:15 pm for an additional fee (see under c) Costs)
  • only after individual appointment with the registry office
  • Appointment at the earliest one year before the planned date

On the following days, apart from Sundays and public holidays, no wedding ceremonies are held:


c) Registration of the marriage

Which individual steps have to be taken before a wedding ceremony in Bad Neustadt a.d.Saale?

You are resident within our registry office district:
Non-binding appointment reservation at the registry office in Bad Neustadt a.d.Saale at the earliest one year in advance (here you will also receive information about the documents required for the registration of the marriage), also by telephone
Registration of the marriage at the registry office in Bad Neustadt a.d.Saale by personal visit of both fiancées with all necessary documents (max. 6 months before the marriage date) - please make an appointment in advance

You live abroad and would like to get married at one of our wedding locations:
Non-binding appointment reservation at the registry office Bad Neustadt a.d.Saale at the earliest one year before the date
Enquire at your local registry office about the documents you need to register your marriage
Registration of the marriage at your local registry office (max. 6 months before the date of the marriage); there you simply inform us that the wedding will take place in Bad Neustadt a.d.Saale
Sending the documents directly from the registry office of your residence to the registry office Bad Neustadt a.d.Saale


d) Costs


fees for marriage in general registration of marriage 55,- € to 115,- €
  Marriage at another registry office as registration 40,- €
  Additional fees for wedding ceremony outside opening hours 70,- €
  Stammbuch depending on version approx. 15,- € to 40,- €
  ea marriage certificate 12,- €
Rent for wedding rooms Traditional rooms free of charge
  Old office building 125,- €
  Stadthalle 80,- € to 500,- €
  Schlosshotel 180,- €
    Water Castle Unsleben
  up to 60 persons 200,- €
  up to 120 persons 250,- €
  each 10 further persons 20,- €
  Prime Room Kreuzberg 100,- €
Administration fee for wedding locations outside the wedding room depending on the wedding location 44,- € to 125,- €


Please note: This list of fees is not exhaustive; depending on the individual case, further fees may be added.


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5. deaths in our registry office district

What to do in case of death?
Report to the responsible registry office within 3 days

Person has died in a clinic/nursing home 
written notification by the institution

Person has died at home or at another place
Notification by undertaker or verbal notification by relatives

Usually the funeral parlour commissioned by you takes care of the necessary arrangements at the registry office.

Which documents are required?
Certificate of death (confidential and non-confidential part)
Identity card or registration certificate

depending on the marital status of the deceased led birth certificate
  married marriage certificate or certified copy from the family register
  widwet marriage certificate or certified copy from the family register
    death certificate of the spouse
  divorced marriage certificate or certified copy from the family register
    Divorce decree with legal effect


If the deceased person was a foreign citizen or born abroad, please contact us for a short consultation regarding the necessary documents.
This also applies in case of other foreign contact (e.g. marriage/divorce abroad).


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6. leaving the church

a) Where can withdrawal from the church be declared?
The registry office of the place of residence is responsible. 
Withdrawal can only be certified by personal declaration on site, written or electronic declarations are not possible.

b) What should I bring with me?
The place of baptism can be indicated voluntarily on the identity card/passport

c) What are the costs?
35,- € (administration fees)

To top

Data protection information


The registry office Bad Neustadt a.d.Saale is responsible for the citizens of the city of Bad Neustadt a.d.Saale and for the citizens of the two administrative communities Bad Neustadt a.d.Saale and Heustreu. Since 01.06.2012 the registry offices of the town Bischofsheim a.d.Rhön and the community Sandberg are also integrated. From 01.01.2014 the registry office of the market town of Oberelsbach will also be part of the registry office of Bad Neustadt a.d.Saale. Informationen zur Verarbeitung Ihrer Daten im Standesamt

Bad Neustadt - Altes Amtshaus

  • direkt neben dem Wahrzeichen der Stadt, dem historischen Hohntor, gelegen
  • max. 50 Gäste

Bad Neustadt -Salzburg

Bad Neustadt - Schlosshotel

Bad Neustadt - Stadthalle

Unsleben - Wasserschloss



Weitere Trauorte in Bischofsheim finden Sie hier. 

Ansprechpartner - Standesamt

Standesamt Bad Neustadt a. d. Saale
Rathausgasse 2
97616 Bad Neustadt a. d. Saale

Telefon: 09771 / 9106-130
Telefax: 09771 / 9106-109

E-Mail: standesamt(at)bad-neustadt.de



Montag, Dienstag    
8:00 – 12:00 Uhr und 14:00 – 16:00 Uhr
8:00 – 12:00 Uhr
8:00 – 12:00 Uhr und 14:00 – 18:00 Uhr
8:00 – 12:00 Uhr

Vereinbaren Sie bitte einen Termin für eine persönliche Vorsprache!

09771 / 9106-130 (Frau Schmitt)
09771 / 9106-131 (Frau Gütling) 
09771 / 9106-132 (Frau Manger)        
09771 / 9106-133 (Frau Kuhn)
09771 / 9106-134 (Herr Mühlfeld)