Quarter management

Quarter management – what is it?

The birth rate is falling and the average life expectancy is rising. As a result, our lives will change in the long run. Neighbourhood management should contribute to making the social neighbourhood lively and attractive for older people, in order to enable seniors to age safely and independently for as long as possible in a familiar environment and within established structures. In addition to needs-based housing and a good basic supply, local support services as well as advice and social networks are important building blocks of a successful neighbourhood concept. However, the focus is not solely on specific problems faced by individuals, but rather on linking and supplementing existing structures with a view to ensuring the security of supply for all older people in the neighbourhood.


Quater management - caretakers on site

Since March 2022, there is a Saale for the generation 65+ in Bad Neustadt a. d. and their (care) relatives, the contact point “Quartiersmanagement”.

In the newly established district office in the town hall, you will receive information and advice on the topic of "Getting older", with the aim of being able to lead a self-determined life in Bad Neustadt a. d. Saale, until old age. As a pilot, the district management takes on the following tasks:



Through personal counselling and, if necessary, through referral to specialised counselling centres, the daily life of seniors who need help from outside due to health limitations is to be made easier.



Through the organisation of social activities and the support of voluntary work, life should be made attractive and worth living into old age.



The aim is to draw attention to the wishes and needs of seniors through the continuous exchange with different stakeholders, in order to support or initiate the development of services and networks that are still lacking.

"Growing older" means actively and self-determinedly adapting to changing life situations. Have the courage to take a fresh look at “aging” and think about new ways of living and living in old age. We would like to support you in this.


This project is funded by the Bavarian State Ministry for Family, Labor and Social Affairs as part of the SeLA (Self-determined Living in Old Age) funding program.



Quartiersmanagement Bad Neustadt a. d. Saale
Frau Carolin Endres 
Rathausgasse 2
97616 Bad Neustadt a. d. Saale

Telefon: 09771 / 9106-107
Telefax: 09771 / 9106-109

E-Mail: carolin.endres(at)bad-neustadt.de 





(telefonische Voranmeldung wünschenswert)

Montag - Donnerstag 
9:00 – 12:00 Uhr

und nach Vereinbarung durch telefonische Anmeldung - Auch Vorort-Termine sind möglich!


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