Official Journal

Municipal notices usually contain general informations, parts of a consultation procedure, promulgation of resolutions and administrative decisions, general decrees, public notifications, time, place and agenda of public meetings of the corporate bodies and regionally applicable election results.

The public announcement can be used to pursue various concerns, specifically, for example, early participation, disclosure, promulgation of municipal statutes or resolutions of the representative bodies (municipal council, district council or special-purpose association meeting).

In general, the public announcement of administrative decisions with legally binding external effects is laid down in the Administrative Procedure Act § 27a and § 41 para. 3 to 5 and depends on a substantive legal basis. There are special legal regulations in this sense.

In all german territorial federal states, the municipal and county ordinances or equivalent legal provisions form the direct legal basis for the notification as a procedure and other related special legal norms for the concrete regulation of local notification. These are provisions of state law (laws or announcement regulations) for the precise description of the way in which legal acts and other information is to be announced in a manner customary in the locality.

Aufstellung des Bebauungsplans "Am Wethfeld/1. Erschließungsabschnitt" im Stadtteil Dürrnhof; Satzungsbeschluss

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Einbeziehungssatzung für das Grundstück Fl.Nr. 166, An der Königshofer Straße, Gemarkung Herschfeld

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Flurneuordnung Schönau a.d. Brend 3

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Flurneuordnung Rödles 4

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Haushaltssatzung für das Jahr 2024

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Vorarbeiten nach § 44 EnWG

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